This IP Innovation Can Revolutionise the Industry


Developed by a well-known NZ based research scientist / innovator, the Intellectual Property our Vendor is offering for sale to an approved purchaser could turn a number of industries on their ear with definite global advantages no other producer will be able to emulate without this Intellectual Property.

This new and very revolutionary New Zealand researched and developed intellectual property shocked the Laboratory Testing Unit when they tested the products. After retesting 3 times, they had to believe what they were seeing.

To demonstrate complete confidence in the IP, and to ensure that all the opportunities are maximised, the Vendor is happy to retain a 20% ongoing interest in the business with the Purchaser who will likely already be a key player in Entrepreneurial circles with a passion to take new products in new categories to market – particularly, but not necessarily, in the cosmetics and beverages industries.

This is a very tightly held one-off opportunity and can only be sold once – with possible future Licensing opportunities to be taken advantage of.

An extensive Information Memorandum is available which demonstrates the thoroughness of the research carried out, but the actual operational function will only be divulged in a face-to-face meeting.


NZ$4,000,000 +GST if any for the full business
NZ$3,200,000 +GST if any for 80% of the business with 20% retained by the Vendor

International enquiries are welcomed.

This is an opportunity which will be eagerly sort after over many industry categories as it will mean definite global sales advantages. If you like what you are reading & would like to obtain further information, visit the Barker Business website, search reference 3581 & submit the online Confidentiality Agreement. Once Mike receives your expression of interest, he will be in touch.

Licensed REAA 2008. Copyright Barker Business Brokerage Ltd 2025.


Region Canterbury
Price $4,000,000
Business ID 3581
Category Professional

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